Residence Hall Association (RHA)

a group of people posing for a photo
RHA is the campus-wide government for students living in the residence communities.

The mission of RHA is to promote the development of positive residence communities through:  

Advocating for students living in the residence halls at Minnesota State University, Mankato by listening to and articulating their concerns, opinions, and suggestions to Residential Life and University administration.  

Providing a variety of programs and events for all residents throughout the year. 

Dispersing updates, room and board changes, resources, etc. to residents through RHA meetings.

Sponsoring events hosted by community councils through the allocation process. 

Who belongs to RHA?

All students living in the residence communities are members of the Residence Hall Association. The President from each floor community/Stadium Heights building community represents the views and opinions of their residents as a voting member at RHA Assembly Meetings. All 68 RHA Representatives make up the voting membership of the Residence Hall Association.

When do they meet?

The RHA General Assembly meets every Monday @ 4:00 PM in Preska Hall 126. All residence hall students are welcome to attend and participate in RHA meetings to express their opinions and concerns about any aspect of living on campus. 

Who leads RHA?

RHA is led by an Executive Board of student leaders elected by the RHA Assembly. The RHA Exec Board also has programming responsibilities and hosts many events on campus throughout the year, including the Welcome Week Volleyball Tournament.

Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes can be found on Mav Central.


RHA Rental Request

RHA Constitution & Bylaws

Allocations 101

Allocation Questionnaire


RHA Organization Chart