Requesting a Roommate

Students who want to live together must have a complete housing reservation by February 14.

Students sitting in the hallway and having a chat

How to Request a Specific Student as your Roommate

Beginning Monday, February 24, follow the steps below to request a specific person to be your roommate.

  1. Login to the Housing & Dining Portal with your StarID/password.
  2. Click the heading titled ROOMMMATE PAIRS.
  3. At the bottom of the screen, click CREATE PAIR. This will prompt you to name the group and to give it a password. Write the password down so you don't forget!
  4. To invite your roommate to the pair, click SEARCH FOR ROOMMATES BY DETAILS and enter your roommate's web name.
    • When their profile appears, click the REQUEST button and confirm that you want to send them an invitation to join your pair.
    • You will be able to view pending and accepted roommate requests on your Roommate Pairs page.

Check the housing portal prior to the March 14 deadline to make sure your roommate accepted their request. They will not be added to the pair if they do not accept by the deadline.

Make it Official

There are many ways to make a roommate match:

  • Friend from your hometown.
  • You found someone on a Facebook group.
  • You met someone at an open house on campus.
  • Your coach suggested that you room with a teammate.
  • You found someone through Roommate Matching in the housing portal.

No matter how you found them, you must create a Roommate Pair in the housing portal to make it official. Don't overlook this important step!  And more importantly, make sure your roommate accepts their request to join the pair by March 14. If they don't accept the request by the deadline, they will not be able to be your roommate.

Did you Miss the Deadline?

Add the other student's name to the comments section of your housing application. This is NOT a guarantee we will be able to make it work, but that's where we want you to tell us who you want to live with.