Selecting a Room

Students who submit a housing application by the Priority Deadline (February 14) are eligible to select their own room.

Frequently Asked Questions


Students who meet the priority deadline are issued a timeslot, which is the student's assigned time to select their room in the Housing & Dining Portal.

Timeslots are generated based on the date the student completed their housing reservation. For example, someone who applies in October will have an earlier timeslot than someone who applies in November.

Use it or Lose it

Students who met the priority deadline will receive an email from Residential Life with their exact timeslot. Each timeslot is open for one week, and a student should select a room during this time (or lose their opportunity to choose their own room).

Students who do not choose a room during their timeslot will be assigned to a room, using preferences in their housing application as a guide, however, their top preferences may no longer be available.

First-come, First-served

When timeslots open, rooms are selected on a first-come, first-served basis. For best availability, it is to a student's advantage to select a room when their timeslot opens,  as timeslots open for other students every hour.

If a student is not available when their timeslot opens, they have one week to select a room so they can participate when available or, if they are a member of a Roommate Pair, their roommate can assign them.


Students who requested Learning Community housing will select from the Renovated Doubles on the floor where their Learning Community is located. If you did not say yes to Learning Community housing on your application, you will be able to choose your own housing. Students in the same Roommate Pair will also be housed in this location.

Roommate Pairs

Students who form a Roommate Pair (during Roommate Matching) will receive the same timeslot. Timeslots are determined by the pair member who has the earliest reservation date.

Any pair member may select the room (and assign their roommate to the room). If your Roommate Pair contains a member who requested Learning Community housing, your pair will only see Renovated Doubles on that Learning Community's floor.

To assign pair members to the same room/suite/apartment, follow these steps:

  1. When your timeslot opens, select the room within the room/suite/apartment (for example, Julia Sears 101A) and "add to cart". Semi-suites have a "A" side and a "B" side and apartments have a "A" room, "B" room, and "C" room. Make sure there is available space for your roommate in the room. If the room says "no roommate assigned" it means that the entire room is open.
  2. When your roommate has been assigned to the room, click "Assign Beds".

We strongly advise Roommate Pairs to have a back-up plan in case the room they want is no longer available when their timeslot opens. Here are some items to discuss with your Roommate Pair prior to selecting a room:

  • What is our pair's second choice of housing? Third? Fourth?

How to Share a Suite or Apartment with Another Roommate Pair

If your hope is to share a suite or apartment with another roommate pair, here's your path to do that:

  1. The pair that has the earliest timeslot should select a completely open suite or apartment and tell the other roommate pair which room they selected.
  2. The second roommate pair should attempt to select the other side of the suite or another bedroom in the same apartment.

This method is NOT a guarantee, as another roommate pair may opt-in to the open space. Attempts to bully, harass, or threaten a roommate pair out of a space will not be tolerated and will be handled within the student conduct process.

Top Room Choice Not Available

When a student's timeslot opens, they will see all available rooms and can filter their search by room type, community, floor, etc.

It's possible that the room type they want will not be available when their timeslot opens. When this happens, select from available spaces. If a room is not selected, we will make an assignment after the timeslot closes (from available spaces).

Adding yourself to a Room

If you are not in a Roommate Pair, you can choose from any available room. If a room is occupied with a person, it will show the age of the occupant.

Viewing your Selection after you've Picked

Details about a student's room assignment and roommate will appear on the home page of the Housing & Dining Portal.

If a student doesn't currently see roommate information, it means the other space in the room is still available. We will assign a student to that space after room selection ends (June-July).

Frequently Asked Questions

Your timeslot will remain open for one week. Keep in mind the longer you wait, the less options you will have. If your timeslot opens and you are not available at that exact time, it will remain open for you to select a room. We do not recommend skipping class to select a room.

*Students who do not make a decision before their timeslot closes will be assigned a room by our staff.

Students signing up as individuals should try to choose a room/suite that already has someone living in it, so that completely open rooms remain available for students in roommate pairs. We reserve the right to move individual students in order to consolidate and keep space open for pairs.

Once you are in the application, on the room selection page you will see an icon that shows how many beds are available as well as roommate information (if someone has already selected that space). You will be able to view the age of the other person that has selected that space.

If you have filtered your choices for a certain hall or room type and no rooms show up in the list, this means there are no spaces available based on that criteria and you will need to adjust your criteria.

For example, if you are searching for a suite and no rooms populate, that means there are no more suites available.

There are limited numbers of single rooms across campus, so plan on having a roommate. There will be time between room selection and move-in to meet your new roommate and get to know one another.

You and your roommate will be given the same timeslot, so only one of you should log into the Housing & Dining Portal to select a room. Since you are in a pair, the application will know that and you will see each other when you assign beds.

We recommend communicating BEFORE your timeslot opens about where you want to live and who will be doing the room selection for the pair. You will also want to make a backup plan in case your first choice is no longer available.

Once you select a room, you will not be able to go back and change it.

It is important to communicate with your roommate. Your CA is a resource and can help mediate conflict if it arises. If you are unable to resolve the issue, either you or your roommate can request a room change through the room change process.

There is no guarantee that 2 pairs can select the same suite together. Here's what we would recommend that you do:

  1. The pair that has their timeslot open first should select a completely open suite or apartment and tell the other roommate pair which room they selected.
  2. The second roommate pair should attempt to select the other side of the suite or another bedroom in the same apartment.

This method is not a guarantee, as another roommate pair may opt-in to the open space. Attempts to bully, harass, or threaten a roommate pair out of a space will not be tolerated and will be handled within the student conduct process.

Roommate information will be available on the homepage of your Housing & Dining Portal. Reach out to your roommate if you don't already know them (to coordinate items for move-in, getting acquainted, etc.)