Priority Deadline

Incoming students who submit a housing application by February 14, 2025 are eligible to:

  • Participate in Roommate Matching to search and select a roommate;
  • Choose their room assignment.

Roommate Matching

While there are many methods to finding a roommate, Roommate Matching is the official University method to search for a roommate. Eligible students will receive notification from Residential Life on February 24 with instructions on how to access Roommate Matching in the Housing & Dining Portal. Eligible students will search and find their ideal roommate February 24 - March 14.

Students who reserve housing AFTER February 14 will not be able to participate in roommate matching or pick a roommate. They will be assigned a roommate based on age and gender.

Choosing your Room

Eligible students who meet the priority deadline will be able to choose their room. Room Selection takes place after roommates are determined.

Students will receive a timeslot to go into the Housing & Dining Portal to choose their room. Timeslots are based on the date the student completed their housing reservation (so a student who completed their reservation in October will have an earlier timeslot than a student who reserved in February).

When a student's timeslot opens, they will see every room that is available at that time. Students can filter the results down to the type of room they are looking for and add it to their cart (claim it). Students can choose which community and floor they will be living on. Students may also bring a selected roommate to the same room/suite/apartment.

Students will have one week to make a room selection before their timeslot expires. Students who do not choose a room by expiration, will be assigned to a room based on the preferences in their housing application.

Room Selection Dates:

  • Timeslots will open Monday, March 31 - Friday, April 11.
  • Each timeslot will stay open for one full week.