Forms and Resources for Students, Families, University Partners, & Residential Life Staff
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to request release from the housing contract. Releases are not automatic.
Students on the 160 meal plan may convert meals to Dining Dollars twice a semester.
Use the link below to update your permanent address in E-services.
Tell us if something is broken in your room so that we may repair it.
Form closed for spring semester. It will reopen in August.
to allow a 3rd party to have access to conduct cases, damage charges, housing assignment information, information about their student's issues with roommates, etc.
Students living off campus may purchase a meal plan through Residential Life.
Purchase supplemental Dining Dollars through University Dining Services.
Students may designate a contact person in the event they go missing.
To report a policy violation or student concern. Residential life staff will follow-up.
See if you are eligible for a reduced prepayment of $50.
to allow a 3rd party to have access to conduct cases, damage charges, housing assignment information, information about their student's issues with roommates, etc.
Submit a housing application to reserve housing. StarID/password will be required.
For future residents who want to cancel housing.
See if you are eligible for a reduced prepayment of $50.
To request a space to promote your event/service on tables in the University Dining Center.
To request use of the promotional table in the dining center entry.
To campaign in the residence communities on behalf of candidates for local, county, state, and national office.
Recognize those who are making positive contributions to the residence communities.
When a purchase is made with a University credit card, complete this form and attach the itemized receipt.
Use this form to request a dinner for your floor/Stadium Heights building.
Submit an 'Of the Month' award nomination for regional, and possibly national, recognition.