Nick Boone, Technical Services Coordinator

Address: CSU 219
Phone: 507-389-2060

Responsibilities: As the Centennial Student Union Technical Services Coordinator, Nick oversees audio/visual systems throughout the CSU. His staff includes a graduate assistant and a student tech crew that sets up, operates and troubleshoots audio and visual needs for the campus community activity within the CSU and at CSU and Student Activities campus events.

Education:  Bachelor's Degree in Sociology, 2010, from Minnesota State Mankato.

Past Experience:  10 years Geek Squad AV Installation 


"My top accomplishments since joining the CSU staff (July 2024) Right now, I am learning the ropes during the summer months. I am enjoying meeting the team and new campus staff and jumping in with events and AV technology on campus. Getting prepared for Welcome Week and the upcoming semester is my next priority." 

"The most rewarding aspect of my work with students.My involvement with campus activities and student events has been rewarding. Many of these events being performed by the student staff is great to be a part of. Eventually getting to see our student staff graduate and move on toward a passion of theirs will be satisfying."

“I like to spend my free time: Enjoying time with my family – playing games, sports, activities and attending events with my wife and 2 boys. I love to golf and watch/coach baseball when I can. I enjoy Minnesota summers and traveling to new places or returning to the best places we have already visited. Board games, fantasy football, Legos, and puzzles are some of my lifelong hobbies." 


  1. Three words that best describe you.Loyal, Organized, Youthful 
  2. Three things that can always be found in your refrigerator.  Deli turkey, ice cold water, fresh fruit 
  3. Name three people, living or dead, you would like to invite for dinner.  Kirby Puckett (childhood hero), my Grandpa Ed Voda (passed away when I was 10), my sons 40 years in the future to see how they are doing.  
  4. What is something people would be surprised to know about you?  I had only worked at one place since graduating high school. I worked 24 years at Best Buy until this past April. 
  5. What superpower would you like to have? Why?  Teleportation. It would save time and energy; I could go anywhere in the blink of an eye and do amazing things or be a hero when/if needed. 
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