Awards and Scholarships

Each award will be issued on April 16, 2025 at the Student Government Inauguration Ceremoney where newly elected leaders are sworn in and outgoing student leaders say their farewells. 

Vic Swenson Student Friendly Award

Recognizes MSU employees who have demonstrated outstanding friendliness in assisting students and creating a community atmosphere. 

Dr. Duane Orr Teacher of the Year Award

Recognizes instructors who utilize exceptional teaching skills and their outstanding service at MSU to help students excel. 

Administrator of the Year Award

Recognizes administrators who demonstrate superior and innovative management and personal skills that affect student lives in a positive manner. 

Coordinator of the Year

Recognizes a Student Government Coordinator who demonstrates exceptional leadership, dedication, and commitment to the Student Body and to Student Government. 

Senator of the Year

Recognizes a current Student Senator who has gone above and beyond that of a normal senator and has made an impact not only for the Student Body but also in Student Government.