Student Alternative Testing Agreement

Accessibility Resources works with faculty and students to provide an accessible testing environment for students with disabilities. Accessibility Resources understands the academic rigor and safety measures that University instructors undertake in preparing and administering their exams.

Accessibility Resources has a dedicated testing center for students with Alternative Testing accommodations including time extensions, testing in a reduced distraction space, or a private room. To uphold a secure testing environment and manage an efficient alternative testing system, we have developed the following standards and procedures which we expect students to adhere to: 

  • All test materials, including calculators, formula sheets, etc., will be checked before the start of the exam to ensure that they conform to the faculty’s directions.
  • Once testing begins, restroom use is discouraged. Students who need to use the restroom will be escorted by Accessibility Resources staff and time will not be paused. Students will not access their stored belongings until the test is complete.
  • Cell phones, smart watches, student backpacks, hats, bags, audio devices, etc. are not permitted in the testing room. Cell phones will be kept outside the testing room while the exam is in progress.
  • Food and drink are prohibited from the testing center. This includes chewing gum. There are water bottles provided in the front office for you to take. 
  • Accessibility Resources provides testing laptops for students taking online tests, or using digital assistive technology. Unless the student's approved accommodation requires using their own device, students are allowed to use their own laptop only if the instructor has designated such on the testing instructions sheet.
  • Exceptions to the above conditions are only granted in cases where the student's accommodation plan specifies otherwise. Examples include, but are not limited to, accommodations for glucose monitoring devices, walk breaks, or food/drink in the testing room.
  • Accessibility Resources staff will dismiss any student observed utilizing any unauthorized resource or involved in other inappropriate test behavior at any time during an exam. Any suspected evidence of inappropriate testing behavior will be documented and reported to the appropriate faculty.
  • Consider your request to be an appointment to arrive to at a timely manner. If you are late, instructor approval to begin may be required. If you are more than 30 minutes late, your appointment will be marked as a no-show and you will need to arrange with your instructor if rescheduling is allowed. If something comes up that may impact your arrival time, please call 507-389-2825 or email to alert AR staff.

Before beginning, students must show photo ID (MavCard, driver's license, passport, etc.) and follow the other check-in processes so we know that you are well-informed and following the instructions. Showing ID also serves as acceptance of the above terms. Concerns or disagreements should be directed to Alex J. Lucier, the staff member who coordinates alternative testing arrangements, via email at or voice/text at 507-389-5242.

More Information

General Alternative Testing Information

University Academic Honesty Policy

What to Do on Test Day

Contact AR Staff