Alternative Testing

Initial Process

Students requesting alternative testing accommodations must have supporting documentation on file in Accessibility Resources and be registered with Accessibility Resources.

  1. Students must request Alternate Testing accommodations via MavAccess.
  2. When making accommodations requests at the start of each semester, check "Alternative Testing" to request exam accommodations.
  3. A notification letter will be sent to instructors once the request is received.

In-Person Exam Scheduling Process

  1. In-person exams can be scheduled using MavAccessat least 3 school days prior to the exam date.
    • Online exams do NOT need to be scheduled on MavAccess, please check with your instructor to verify that accommodations are entered into the online exam.
  2. Login to MavAccess and go to "Alternative Testing" on the left-side menu. 
  3. Click "Schedule an Exam" and fill out a request for each exam you need to take in the testing center.
    • Be sure to check all of the options that apply to your test, including any extended time, reduced distraction rooms, or if a computer is required.
    • Exams must be scheduled at the same time as the rest of the class unless there is prior approval from the instructor. Include this in the notes if taking at a different time.
    • Tests are administered Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tests for night classes must be taken between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., preferably on the test day unless another day is approved by the professor.
    • The sign that students are greeted with can be found here: Alternative Testing Information (PDF).

Please request any Testing Accommodations, including Extended Time, by filling out the request form on MavAccess Online Portal.

Check out this handy document for quick reference: Alternative Testing Scheduling Guidelines.


Phones, watches, and materials not explicitly allowed during your exam are not permitted in the testing spaces. Students will be asked to keep all items outside the testing space in the designated area. If it is found that you used unpermitted items during your exam, we will end your exam and notify your instructor. If a second offense occurs, we will then notify the Office of Student Conduct. For more information on Academic Integrity, go to the Academic Honesty University Policy.

Cameras and Audio Recording

Accessibility Resources utilizes cameras to remotely proctor exams with the purpose of strengthening academic and exam integrity and improving student safety in private spaces. The cameras are visible and mounted to the ceiling in the testing spaces. The video streams will be accessible only by Accessibility Resources but may be shared with faculty or the Office of Student Conduct if academic dishonesty occurs.

Information Provided to Students