MSW Students Submit Letters to the Editor

Congrats to these Master of Social Work students who had letters to editor printed!

Nursing alumni, retired faculty and supporters donate to PPE fund for nursing students

Thanks to donors, nursing students received PPE, allowing them to continue working in clinical settings and giving them the real-world experience needed to pursue their nursing career.
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The Comeback: Applied Leadership Alum

As a youth ministry leader, Nick Tofteland had a fun idea for rewarding a fundraising drive that his church kids absolutely crushed: Cruising from one fast food joint to another in a Hummer limo.
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Tales from the Underground: Anthropology Alum Featured in Documentary

One highlight of “Cornfield Shipwreck,” a documentary airing on HBO, is alum Emily Ruoff preserving pickles.

MSW Students Submit Letters to the Editor

Congratulations to MSW students who had their letters to the editor printed in the Mankato Free Press!
a close up of a virus

New Minnesota COVID-19 Restrictions

New restrictions begin on November 13th to curb COVID-19 spread in Minnesota.

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