Ethics and Empathy in Technical Communication

Dr. Dawn Armfield talks empathy and tech comm with Room 42.

New Publication

Minnesota State University research group led by Associate Professor Xuanhui Wu from the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Technology published an article titled "A Circularly Polarized Substrate Integrated E-plane Waveguide Horn Antenna".

Health Science professor provides data for community about flavored tobacco

During a Mankato City Council meeting, Health Science faculty were asked to provide data on flavored tobacco use in youth. Get the research, meeting recap and details in this Mankato Free Press article.
KMSU Radio Hero 89.7 FM patch with a photo, toy car, pencil and other small items

The KMSU Fall Pledge Drive Is Coming!

The KMSU Fall Pledge Drive begins on Wednesday, October 20th! Follow this link for more information!
a couple of people in clothing

Grind-Fu Cinema Returns For October 2021

Grind-Fu Cinema presents five of the most iconic monsters movies of all time on Saturday, October 30th, plus they're serving cake!

CIS Department Partners with Federated Insurance

The CIS Department has signed a $1,193,494 five-year agreement with Federated Insurance to begin an on-campus program, called Project Federated, where students perform software quality assurance tasks while being mentored by Federated Insurance technology employees.

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