Competition Team Registration Ends
Friday, October 9, 2020
4:00 PM - 4:05 PM
2020 Competition Divisions
“Masks On Horns Up”
The three divisions that students may participate in are:
* Please note the different divisions are based on the number of students from your organization/group that will participate in the Spirit Month competition.
A roster must be submitted with form.
The Gold Division will consist of groups that have 10 to 25 students. Prizes will be awarded to the top three winners in this category:
1st Place: $250 & traveling trophy
2nd Place: $175
3rd Place: $100
The Purple Division will consist of groups that have 26 to 45 students. Prizes* will be awarded to the top three winners in this category:
1st Place: $250 & traveling trophy
2nd Place: $175
3rd Place: $100
* Your group must have a 901 account (on-campus account). Prize money will be transferred to your 901 account and can only be used for travel, programming on campus, or convention fees. For more details contact Student Event Team Advisor, Bill Tourville, by email at
Two All-Spirit Awards will be awarded: one to the team with the highest overall point total and one to the team voted by the Spirit Month Committee to have the most spirit throughout the month this team will receive a traveling trophy. Each Team awarded will be rewarded an additional $150.
All applications, contacts, and rosters involving Spirit Month activities must be turned in by Friday, October 9, 2020 at 4 p.m. to the Student Activities Office, CSU 173, online or emailed to
Hunter Whitmore