Student Conduct Frequently Asked Questions

What accommodations are available during the conduct process?

Minnesota State Mankato is committed to providing an accessible conduct process to all students. Students requiring an interpreter or other individual accommodations based on medical documentation of a physical or mental disability may contact the Office of Student Affairs at 507-389-2121 and/or Accessibility Resources: Support for Students with Disabilities at 507-389-2825 prior to your hearing, and we will work together to support your participation in the student conduct process. All materials are available in an alternative format to individuals with disabilities by calling the Office of Student Affairs at 507-389-2121 (V), 1-800-627-3529, or 711 (TTY).

What happens if alleged to have violated the student conduct code?

You will receive a letter from a hearing officer regarding an upcoming disciplinary meeting that will include an explanation of the allegations. Students then have an opportunity to share their side of the story before a decision is reached and sanctions are shared. However, if the student doesn’t respond to the notification letter in a timely manner, it will be necessary for the hearing officer to make a decision without the benefit of the student’s input.

Can outcomes of a conduct hearing be appealed?

Yes, a student can appeal their student conduct outcome if they have bonafide grounds for an appeal and submit the appeal by the specified timeline provided in their outcome letter. The student must be the person to file the appeal, not a third party, including a parent or guardian.

What are the grounds for an appeal?

Grounds for appeals include:

  • New evidence was not reasonably available at the time of the hearing.
  • Evidence of a procedural error in the student disciplinary process that substantially impacted the outcome.
  • Evidence that the sanction is excessively severe.

What is disciplinary probation?

Disciplinary probation is a period of observation during which time a student is expected to demonstrate a willingness and ability to comply with University standards. A student on disciplinary probation is not in good standing with the University. If a student is alleged to have violated the student conduct code while on probation, more severe disciplinary consequences will be assigned. The conduct process is cumulative and progressive. Disciplinary probation and academic probation are two separate probationary consequences.

How is the conduct process different from a criminal investigation?

There are significant differences between the campus conduct process and the criminal justice process. The rules associated with institutions of higher education are NOT legal statutes and there are many university violations that are not violations of the law including, but not limited to, academic dishonesty, disruptive classroom behavior, using or having tobacco products on campus, etc. The conduct process is confidential whereas a criminal prosecution creates public records.


All students, regardless of the location of their actions, must demonstrate good character as members of the University community. The University will address all violations of the Statement of Student Responsibilities that occur on-campus, as well as certain off-campus incidents. The University exercises the right to discipline a student before, after, or simultaneously with a legal proceeding. Campus disciplinary outcomes are not subject to change because criminal charges related to the incident were reduced or dismissed. The University may initiate conduct proceedings for off-campus incidents including, but not limited to, hazing, alcohol and drug violations, social hostordinance violations, etc., according to the Alcohol and Other Drugs university policy.

How does the conduct process affect my future?

The conduct process is progressive and cumulative. Dismissal from the university may occur if a case is severe enough. Additionally, conduct records may be requested from future employers, with the signed consent of the student. Not every employer will request these records. Student conduct outcomes of suspension or expulsion appear on the academic transcript. Lesser disciplinary outcomes do not appear on the academic transcript.

How long does it take to resolve a case?

Each case is unique and will be reviewed on an individual basis to make sure that students get the most out of the conduct process. Questions regarding the timeframe of a case will be addressed during individual conduct meetings.

What are examples of educational sanctions that can be assigned as outcomes to conduct meetings?

Educational sanctions include, but are not limited to, D2L alcohol and drug education programs, Under the Influence, Marijuana 101, CHOICES, chemical use interviews, etc. Conduct cases are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and are intended to educate students on campus policies and deter students from engaging in future misconduct.