PSEO Advising

advising 101:

Create an academic plan to get the most out of your courses! An academic plan (sometimes called a sequence of courses) is a map of the classes you'd like to take. This plan should be focused on high school graduationg requirements AND your academic goals. Your academic plan should include input from both your high school counselor and PSEO advisor.

Did you know that PSEO students have designated staff that can help them answer their common questions and plan purposeful and meaningful courses?

A typical appointment may cover:

  • Courses required to meet general education requirements
  • Courses required for your intended major
  • If you're unsure of what you'd like to major in, your advisor will help you narrow your choices down
  • Transferring credits

Research continues to support the idea that students who utilize their academic advisor are more likely to feel engaged in their educational experience and therefore more likely to persist (stay in school) and graduate. Taking advantage of the expertise within the PSEO Office and on campus will help improve your academic experience.

PSEO staff can't answer questions on which courses meet your high school graduation requirements. You must meet with your high school counselor to help find university courses that meet your high school's graduation requirements. We recommend meeting with your high school before meeting your PSEO advisor.

College specific advising

Minnesota State Mankato's majors are structured under colleges (ex. Accounting is housed in the College of Business). If you know what you want to major in, the PSEO Office is working with Student Advising Directors to help you choose the right courses based on your intended major! Not all majors will be listed, if your major isn't included, reach out and we can provide more information. These documents will be updated as needed. Continue to check back if your college is not listed.

College of Business


College of Science, Engineering, and Technology - Coming Soon

College of Humanities and Social Sciences - Coming Soon

College of Education - Coming Soon

College of Allied Health and Nursing - Coming Soon

Advising is required for students to register for courses after their first semester and encouraged before their first semester.


The PSEO Office offers several opportunities for students to learn from an advisor, including in person, virtual, group, and self-paced. Review those opportunities below and choose the one that's best for you.

Option 1: D2L self-paced advising: Enjoy the freedom to review advising information on your own time. This adaptable approach provides a comprehensive exploration of diverse advising resources and offers practical registration insights and tips.

  • Opens on April 1st
  • Closes on July 21st

Option 2: Pizza and Planning: Enjoy complimentary pizza while mingling with fellow PSEO peers. This advising session empowers you with the skills to decipher your degree audit report and successfully navigate the realm of general education as a PSEO student.

  • Wednesday, April 17th

Option 3: Zoom Group Advising Session: Targeted advising designed to assist you in crafting your schedule in relation to your current goals and future plans. Our agenda covers pivotal topics such as general education, transferability, and pathways for undecided students.

  • Various dates throughout the summer

Option 4: Appointment with PSEO Advisor: schedule a one-on-one meeting at a time that works for you. Get your questions answered & build a schedule that works for you & your future goals.


MSU, Mankato General Education Requirements





Online Classes for Fall 2024 Semester 

In Person Classes for Fall 2024 Semester

Advising Options for Fall 2024 Semester

Waitlist-eligible PSEO Courses