The Shuffle Function 24 Hour Pledge Drive A-Go-Go!

Two fisted, sleep deprived, punch drunk, free form radio Is Coming

March 29, 2022 |

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Thursday, April 28th @ six p.m. to
Friday, April 29th @ six p.m.

The TWENTIETH Shuffle Function 24 Hour Pledge Drive A-Go-Go is coming right up! Shyboy Tim and Shelley will go 24 hours without sleep, surviving only on the basic human needs of caffeine, Rock & Roll, and your generosity! Why would they do this? BECAUSE KMSU IS WORTH IT! They'll do whatever it takes to make sure this amazing radio station stays on the air, evne if pulling a stun like this means chopping one year off their lives*!

The whole thing kicks off at six p.m. on Thursday, April 28th @ six p.m. and comes to a screeching halt on Friday, April 29th @ six p.m.  In between there's a lot of music, a lot of goofing off, and quite a bit of asking for your help.  It's going to be a lot of fun, and we hope you'll tune in.  Better yet, you should stay up for the full twenty-four hours! Many have tried, but only a few have succeeded.  Your reward for success? You get to go to bed. Pretty sweet.

There will be a lot of fun events crammed into these twenty-four hours, so stock up on caffeine or set your alarm for all of the things we have in store for you!

Thursday, April 28th @ eight p.m. and Friday, April 29th at noon!

The game so nice we play it twice!  Tune in for two intense rounds of Shuffle Function Radio Roulette.  We draw numbers to pick the record we play, flip a coin to select the side, and roll a ten sided die to determine the song we play. IT'S COMPLETELY RANDOM RADIO! Thursday night we're going to play until we run out of pledges, so we're looking at three hours of destiny!

We have no idea what the radio gods have in store for us.  Sometimes it's one of the greatest hours of radio ever produced, and other times it makes you curse the birth of Marconi.  Either way, Radio Roulette is full of surprises, so don't miss it!

Friday, April 29th @ two a.m.

Why two a.m.?  Because two a.m. is the perfect time for Jandek, whose songs really inhabit that murky and mysterious hour, taking you to a haunted and personal place.  We've been featuring Jandek: Sounds Of Insomnia for a number of years now, and it's always one of our favorite parts of the marathon.  We turn off all the lights in the station, leaving only  the faint glow of the control board and the strobe of the telephone light when it rings.  We encourage you guys to tune in, particularly if you aren't already a Jandek initiate.  This could be the time that it all finally clicks.

Friday, April 29th from 4 - 6:00 a.m.

Four years ago we set aside an hour for Gary Campbell (aka Maverick Slim) to come in and do an all Sun Ra set, but an hour just wasn't enough time.  That's why we've set aside even more time for Sunrise With Sun Ra!  It's a great way to get your bearings before we head into...

Friday, April 29th from 6 a.m. to ten a.m.

We are going to play nothing but vinyl for three hours Friday morning from six to ten a.m.!  It wakes us up, plus it gives us a chance to dig into some things that might not normally make the playlist.  We've been working to find some real gems, including some new Record Store Day finds, to play for you guys that morning, and hopefully the playlist will convince you that KMSU is a pretty special place on the radio dial.

At 8:30 a.m. we'll be doing the MacArthur Park sing along, so start flexing those pipes and get ready for the broadway style breakdown!

Friday, April 29th @ one p.m.
a group of people sitting in front of a red wall


We're thrilled to be welcoming Bee Balm Fields to the KMSU Studios to give us a musical shot in the arm!  They have been guests on the Morning Show before, and they always knock it out of the park.  If you aren't familiar with their music, check out this video of their appearance during the 2021 Pledge Drive A-Go-Go.  It's great stuff!


Friday, April 29th @ three p.m.

Joe Tougas & Associates will be stopping by at 3:00 to help steer Shyboy Tim and Shelley towards the finish line! We don't know what they'll have in store for you, but it's inevitable that it'll be a good time!

We'll be joined by some local art powerhouses on Friday, when Kat Baumann (designer of some of your favorite KMSU t-shirts) and Amber Rahe (our Grind-Fu Cinema cake artist) for live art creation for pledges! The stuff they came up with the last time they joined us was incredible, and it all went out the door as fast as they made it. This time around it will likely go even faster, so get the station on speed dial/redial so you don't miss out!

Any questions? Drop us a line if you have any questions! As far as swag is concerned, we have a bunch of great stuff lined up to help you help KMSU during the drive! Stay tuned for further details!
*Life span data compiled by Fuzzy Science Magazine (ceased publication almost immediately).
