Student is in imminent danger of harming self or others, or is experiencing a mental health crisis.
Call 911 or University Security 507-389-2111.
Student has shown several indicators of distress and my interaction left me worried. I am very concerned.
Refer to appropriate resources below in gold.
I am not concerned that the student is in imminent danger but I am concerned that they could benefit from additional support and resources.
Refer to appropriate campus support options below or reference the full 911 guide. Alternatively, you can submit a MavCares Alert.
If a student is exhibiting aggressive behavior, or you perceive a threat of violence or other unlawful behavior, call Security immediately.
University Security
Students who exhibit symptoms of an illness or injury that affect their ability to participate and succeed in class.
Student Health Services
Emotional, behavioral, or personal concerns which may be interfering with a student’s academic progress.
Counseling Center
Concerns about a missing student or student’s welfare.
University Security
Students impacted by sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking or sexual harassment.
Violence Awareness & Response Program
Discrimination or harassment because of membership in a protected class.
Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX
Fill out this online form to refer a student who has an academic concern such as excessive absences, a failing letter grade, or concerning behavior.
All emergencies occurring on campus should be reported immediately to Security at 222 Wiecking Center, V/TTY at 507-389-2111. Emergencies include, but are not limited to: fires, suspicious people or activities, medical assistance, crime reports, traffic accidents and other illegal activities. Other crimes or personal safety concerns may be reported to Security at 2111.
Emergency | 911 |
University Security | 507-389-2111 |
For more information on emergencies, crisis situations, and support options, view the full 911 guide.
Full 911 Guide