Writing Across the Curriculum
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Home|Faculty and Staff|The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
The mission of the Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Program is to make writing a signature feature of a Minnesota State University, Mankato education. WAC strives to build an institutional culture in which writing is used across the disciplines to enhance learning, promote engagement, and nurture communicative competence.
Propose, revise, or design a Writing Intensive course.
Take your instruction to a whole new level through WAC faculty development.
Number of faculty across 37 disciplines who have participated in WAC programs
Number of faculty across 28 disciplines who have completed the Writing Fellows Program
Number of faculty across 15 departments who have attended a WAC Master Class
Percentage of faculty who STRONGLY AGREE that they would recommend the Writing Fellows Program to a colleague
The Writing Fellows Program provided a multitude of opportunities for me to refine and create assignments tailored to promote critical thinking when addressing challenging questions. At the end of the program, I had several assignments that could be directly implemented into my courses.
The Writing Fellows Program was one of the best workshops I have attended at MSU. I learned how to design a series of assignments to coach my students in the writing process.
After participating in the Master Class on meaningful writing, I have been able to work further on framing student writing as part of a meaningful process in their education, instead of just a task to finish. Through WAC, I have come to understand and embrace my role in students' successful writing development.
WAC writing assessment provided an efficiently facilitated process that involved multiple faculty members who shared valuable insights based on years of teaching experience. As a newer faculty member, I valued this experience.
The Writing Fellows Program gave me the space and guidance to look at my coursework and see what, why, and how assignments worked or didn't. Both the capstone assignment and the community of the group provided me with assignments and pedagogy I could directly apply to the classroom.
I recommend the Master Class and the Writing Fellows Program to all instructors who include writing formally or informally in their course work. I was able to reframe my approach to student writing assignments from focusing strictly on writing and mechanics to finding ways to promote critical thinking.
WAC assessment has improved my program’s writing instruction by helping faculty members determine what is most important in this critical area, given our students’ current academic and future professional needs.
The writing intensive requirement reflects Minnesota State University, Mankato's commitment to making writing an integral feature of every undergraduate student's education.
Writing Across the Curriculum faculty development helps faculty from every discipline develop a more satisfying, effective approach to teaching with writing.
The Writing Across the Curriculum Program partners with departments and academic programs to document their commitment to supporting student writing.
The Writing Across the Curriculum Program is led by faculty across the university who share a commitment to using writing to strengthen student learning.