Teach Your Course

team work , hands around computers


Review these resources and recommendations to improve student's success in your classes whether face to face, hybrid/blended, or online.

Instructional Designer Support

Use the drop-in calendar to get the support you need from D2L to Media Space and Zoom. Additionally, they can provide you with drop-in support for course design and assessment development and integrating technology into your courses.

What is Mastery Grading and Why it is a Good Idea?

On March 30, 2021, the Center of Excellence in Teaching and Learning held a workshop titled "What is Mastery Grading, and Why is it a Good Idea?" presented by Jeff Ford, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics at Gustavus Adolphus College.

Inclusive Teaching

Find information about inclusive teaching practices, strategies, and resources at Minnesota State University, Mankato