Short Course Professional Development Certificates

Short Course Professional Development Certificates are interdisciplinary groups that meet 3-4 times per semester to learn about specific teaching and learning topics.

The certificate programs offered through CETL are for professional development only and do not confer a degree; however, they are intended to assist with continuing preparation and study for those who teach on our campus. Documentation of your faculty development can be requested at the end of the semester or academic year.


Fall 2024 Offerings

Register for Fall Programs


Addressing Key Issues in Writing Intensive Courses Across the Curriculum

Facilitated by Dr. Sudarshana Bordoloi


This interactive and collaborative short course certificate program in Fall 2024 is designed to provide support for instructors to develop effective practices--informed by culturally responsive and anti-racist pedagogies--to use writing in their course context. Support will be provided on topics ranging from designing inclusive writing intensive (WI) course syllabus, to building effective and inclusive writing assessments, providing support and feedback to students to improve writing, generating equity, access and belonging through writing intensive courses, etc. In addition to the support provided, participants will be able to share their own valuable teaching strategies and practices in their WI courses with their peers, in a mutually collaborative manner.

Dates: 4th Wednesdays each month at 10:00 am (except for November, which will be the 3rd Wednesday)  -  September 25, October 23, and November 20th
Delivery mode: Zoom only


Demystifying ChatGPT and Generative AI

Facilitated by Dr. Lauren Singelmann


How exactly does ChatGPT spit out a polished 5-paragraph essay or a clever limerick about any given topic? This certificate program will help participants demystify ChatGPT and other generative AI by diving into how ChatGPT was trained, how it is able to generate human-like responses, and how it continues to evolve.

The interactive sessions will consist of activities that will help participants better understand the workings and limitations of ChatGPT. These activities will be paired with discussion about how this information can inform our teaching in the time of AI.

Dates: Tuesdays, September 10 - October 1, at 10:00 am
Delivery mode: Zoom only


New College Classroom Book Discussion

Facilitated by Hannah Radcliff-Hoy


Join this book discussion to learn more about instructional practices to meet the needs of the students of today. Participants will identify 1-2 instructional practices that they can incorporate into their courses.

Synopsis from Harvard Press: College instruction is stuck in the past. If a time traveler from a century ago arrived on today’s campuses, they would recognize only too well the listlessness of the lecture hall and the awkward silence of the seminar room. Yet we know how to do better. Cathy N. Davidson and Christina Katopodis, two of the world’s foremost innovators in higher education, turn to the latest research and methods to show how teachers at every kind of institution can help students become independent, creative, and active learners.

Dates: 3rd Tuesdays (Sept 17, Oct 15, and Nov 19) at 2:00 pm
Delivery mode: Zoom only

Register for Fall Offerings