Nominate a Candidate for a Distinguished Alumni Award. Awards given:

  • Harold J. Fitterer Service Award – Awarded to alumni who have provided exceptional service to Minnesota State University, their communities, and the world through their time, talent, and treasure.
  • Young Alumni Award – Awarded to alumni who have reached personal and/or professional success at an early age, have positively impacted their community, and show promise for continued success.
  • Achievement Award – Awarded to alumni who have achieved very high rank or honor in their professions, have a widespread effect on their communities and are recognized for their achievements over the course of their careers.

To nominate an alumni for the 2025 awards, please submit the nomination form by July 1, 2024.  Distinguished Alumni Awards will be presented at a ceremony in February.

Contact Information

Nominee Information

Award Selection


  • Harold J. Fitterer Service Award – Awarded to alumni who have provided exceptional service to Minnesota State University, their communities and the world through their time, talent and treasure
  • Young Alumni Award – Awarded to alumni who have reached personal and/or professional success at an early age, have positively impacted their community and show promise for continued success.
  • Achievement Award – Awarded to alumni who have achieved very high rank or honor in their professions, have a widespread effect on their communities and are recognized for their achievement over the course of their careers.


  • Harold J. Fitterer Service Award – Awarded to alumni who have provided exceptional service to Minnesota State University, their communities and the world through their time, talent and treasure
  • Young Alumni Award – Awarded to alumni who have reached personal and/or professional success at an early age, have positively impacted their community and show promise for continued success.
  • Achievement Award – Awarded to alumni who have achieved very high rank or honor in their professions, have a widespread effect on their communities and are recognized for their achievement over the course of their careers.
Which award are you nominating this person for? (Select all that apply)

Additional Nomination Details