Faculty Quick Links

Faculty information and resources for getting started at Minnesota State University Mankato.

Starting Your New Job-Things you'll want to be aware of in order to ensure your employment gets off to a smooth start.

Training And Development - developing the talents of our employees

Retirement Plans

IFO Retirement Plans

Inter-Faculty Organization Website

Inter-Faculty Organization Contract 2023-2025

Instructional Design Services -Where you’ll find information on resources on Faculty Development and Training, Technology tools for teaching and learning, open educational resources (OER) and more!

Qualtrics - Qualtrics is a web-based software that allows for a creative, collaborative and highly customized user response collection. 

Screen and Lecture Capture -Learn about the tools and techniques available to capture and easily share interactive lectures and other videos in your face-to-face, flipped, hybrid/blended, or online classes.

Bright Space -The official learning management system (LMS) at Minnesota State, Mankato

Login to D2L Brightspace

Teaching with D2L Brightspace

Course Request, Deletion, and Updates

Get Help with D2L Brightspace

Instructor FAQ about D2L Brightspace

Follett ACCESS - a digital textbook program through the official University bookstore - Learn how to set links in brightspace

Learn how to use the Follett Discover integration in Brightspce

Teaching & Learning FAQ

MavCONNECT Resources-MavCONNECT is our institution’s student success platform designed to bring students, advisors, faculty, and other student support staff together in a collaborative network to coordinate and deliver holistic student support with a focus on improving student success and retention.

Center for Excellence in Scholarship and Research (CESR) -Support center for faculty, staff, and students at Minnesota State University, Mankato who are engaged in research or scholarly activity

Research and Sponsored Programs

Library Services for Faculty