Student Perspectives

Ana Leyva, Music Education '20

Ana Leyva sitting on a chair posing for a professional photo

I came into the Honors Program with a narrow idea of what honors students were supposed to be like. They were the ones who studied hard, turned in all their homework on time, did well on their exams, and passed their classes. However, I quickly learned that an Honors student is not only one who learns from the content being covered in their courses, but also one who applies these concepts outside of the classroom in real-world experiences. Besides the lessons that I learned from being part of the Honors Program and pushing myself to become a competent student, I was highly impacted by the supporting people this community provided me. Not only did it connect me with like-minded students who were seeking similar experiences as me, but it also connected me to a group of professionals who wanted to see me grow and succeed in my college career and beyond. This, I think, is what made my experience in the Honors Program the most impactful, because they are the ones who believe in my potential and provided me the inspiration, motivation, and encouragement to keep moving forward, even when times were rough. I am nothing but thankful for what this program has given me throughout these past four years and truly believe my college experience has become enriched because of it.

Olivia Marth, Elementary Education '20

Olivia Marth posing outside for a photo with a lake and trees in the background

I feel that making reflections on each of the competencies while I was in the program was extremely helpful for me, especially when trying to apply competencies to the real world. It has enabled me to be conscious about the decisions I make and how I am working to grow in leadership, global citizenship, and research in my daily life. The Honors Program has truly helped me grow into a professional educator and a better person and has given me the tools to continue that growth throughout my life. I know I will continue examining myself, my strengths, my needs, my biases, etc. I have learned the importance of self-reflection and am looking forward to seeing positive changes as my career develops. I appreciate everything the Honors Program has given me and wouldn't change it for anything.

Hunter Herber, Biomedical Sciences '20

Hunter Herber posing for a photo with Mount Rushmore in the background

The Honors Program has guided me in growing to become a well-rounded individual who has gained ability in leadership, research, and as a global citizen. The program’s belief that these three competencies give us as students the skills we need in a world that becomes more diverse every day. We are guided to ask questions, dig deeper to find the meaning behind the things we see and learn, and reflect on them. We are also shown that we all have leadership ability, and not all forms of leadership fall into the stereotypical type that most people otherwise think about. Being pushed out of my comfort zone has allowed me to see beyond my own line of sight and expand my point of view. I am a better person and student because of my honors experience and the friends, teachers, and mentors that I have made through it.

Megan Svir, Exercise Science & Psychology '19

Megan Svir headshot photo

The biggest change I saw in myself over my years in the program was my improved self-confidence. I feel confident in my abilities to lead others because I have taken the time to understand my strengths and weaknesses as a leader. I feel confident in my ability to seek out opportunities to interact and learn from people who are different from me because I have taken the time to understand the similarities and differences in our cultures. Lastly, I feel confident in my ability to take an idea and turn it into something I can research because I have learned from faculty mentors along my way. The Honors Program has given me the tools to stand out from others in my field, and it has helped me flourish personally along the way.

Anna Hagan, Psychology '19

Anna Hagan posing outside for a photo with a backpack on during hiking up a brushy trail

I have learned more about myself in my three short years in college than I had my entire 18 years of life prior to coming to college, thanks to the Honors Program. Additionally, I have been constantly encouraged by my peers to keep growing myself through experiences and opportunities. By pushing myself and being encouraged by others to continue my growth, I know I will thrive wherever my future takes me because GROWTH means continuous improvements which will bring success in the long run.

Linh Hoang, Psychology, '19

Linh Hoang headshot photo

There are many things in life that can catch you off guard, and for me, the Honors Program was one of them. I never expected to grow so much from just joining the program. It developed critical skills that were useful in my academic career here, but also are transferable once I enter my profession. Even more importantly though, it helped me grow personally. I walked in unsure of myself and can now leave the program feeling confident of myself and my abilities, and I can’t thank the program enough for that.

Kellie Wong, Biochemistry, '18

Kellie Wong posing for a photo outside on campus with trees and bushes in the background

The Honors Program pushed me to get more involved on my campus and in my community. Through these experiences, I have become a more confident leader, an enthused researcher, and a competent global citizen. As a future healthcare professional, I will have the opportunity to use the skills I develop in the Honors Program to bring comprehensive and compassionate care to my patients.