Active Course List


Health Science

Course requires completion of thesis proposal or alternate plan paper, extensive literature review, and oral presentation for group review.

Areas of Interest:
Health Science

Focuses on preventing and reducing risks associated with alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs in school and community settings. Emphasizes planning, implementing, assessing, and evaluating alcohol, tobacco, and other drug education in K-12 schools.

Areas of Interest:
Health Science
Applied Health Science (MS)

Human health problems comprise a wide range of infectious, degenerative, and genetically-based disease factors. In addition to these factors, human disease results from a wide range of environmental and socially- caused pathologies. This course presents the basic scientific and biomedical concepts of modern public health problems and explores, in depth, mechanisms and models of the major categories of disease. The biologic principles presented in this course are foundations to developing and implementing public health disease prevention, control, or management programs in the students future.

Areas of Interest:
Health Science
Applied Health Science (MS)

Designed to make students familiar with the steps of grant writing, explore the various sources of grants available to health professionals, and develop skills and competencies to successfully write grant proposals.

Areas of Interest:
Health Science
Applied Health Science (MS)

Specific managerial components will be emphasized, such as organizational patterns, fiscal administration, and personnel management common to the healthcare system. Administrative functions of policy settings, planning coordination, public issue involvement, and community relations will be included. Particular attention is given to the human side of management.

Areas of Interest:
Health Science
Applied Health Science (MS)

Explores current issues, controversies, and concerns affecting sexual health. Relationships between social, cultural, psychological, environmental, and physical factors of sexuality will be examined.

Areas of Interest:
Health Science
Applied Health Science (MS)

Provides a thorough background on the practical aspects of health planning, including development, adoption, and implementation of health programs.

Areas of Interest:
Health Science
Applied Health Science (MS)

Provides a solid theoretical and philosophical foundation for professional health education practice. Current and historical health education, theoretical and philosophical models, and concepts are explored. Application of these models and concepts to professional practice is emphasized.

Areas of Interest:
Health Science
Applied Health Science (MS)

Focuses on advanced development of communication and advocacy skills for the health education specialist. The course provides in-depth coverage of health communication theory, application, and evidence. Students will critique a current health communication campaign.

Areas of Interest:
Health Science
Applied Health Science (MS)

Reviews the basic principles and techniques used in Biostatistics and will incorporate a final project that entails analyzing data, using the SPSS program, to answer hypothesized questions, and make conclusions using the inferential statistical process.

Areas of Interest:
Health Science
Applied Health Science (MS) | Dietetics (MS)

Focuses on the complexity of health behavior change and the skills necessary for a health promotion professional to assess, plan, and evaluate behavior change interventions for individuals and communities. Health behavior change theories and strategies will be discussed. Emphasis will be given to the impact of policy and environmental influences on behavior.

Areas of Interest:
Health Science
Applied Health Science (MS)

An in depth project on a topic of particular interest to the student. Project must be approved by the faculty supervisor and department chairperson and proposal filed with department.

Areas of Interest:
Health Science

Provides an in-depth investigation of a topic of particular concern at the time of offering. Topics will deal with timely issues regarding health promotion, disease prevention, and/or socio/political concerns regarding health in the modern world.

Areas of Interest:
Health Science

Provides students with the opportunity to apply what they have learned in their courses through supervised, practical experiences in public health settings to meet the needs of the setting.

Areas of Interest:
Health Science

A culminating experience where students synthesize and integrate knowledge learned in their program through projects specific to their educational and professional goals. Projects are high-quality written products that address multiple competencies within the student's area of focus.

Areas of Interest:
Health Science

Course requires completion of Alternate Plan Paper and oral presentation for group review.

Areas of Interest:
Health Science
Applied Health Science (MS)

A concentrated work experience for those students preparing for a career in community health.

Areas of Interest:
Health Science

A concentrated pre-professional experience for those preparing for a career in alcohol and drug studies. Students must successfully complete all alcohol and drug studies core course work and the Alcohol and Drug Studies application and screening process to be eligible for the internship. Students must schedule a meeting with the Coordinator of Alcohol and Drug Studies one semester in advance to schedule their internship placement.

Areas of Interest:
Health Science

Credit for students working on their thesis. Permission of advisor and department chairperson required.

Areas of Interest:
Health Science
Applied Health Science (MS)


This course is designed to provide an overview and analysis of the historical experiences of the family in the United States from earliest settlement to the present in order to aid students in understanding the contemporary situation of the family in American society.

Graduation Requirements:
Goal Area 5 - History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences | Goal Area 7 - Human Diversity | Diverse Cultures - Purple
Areas of Interest:
People and Cultures
Gender and Women's Studies (BA) | Gender and Women's Studies (BS) | Gender and Women's Studies Minor

A history of the physical, political, cultural, social, and economic foundations of world civilizations to 1500.

Graduation Requirements:
Goal Area 5 - History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences | Goal Area 8 - Global Perspective
Areas of Interest:
People and Cultures

A history of the physical, political, cultural, social, and economic foundations of world civilizations to 1500. Same content as HIST 170. Students may not take both HIST 170 and HIST 170W for credit.

Graduation Requirements:
Goal Area 5 - History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences | Goal Area 8 - Global Perspective | Writing Intensive
Areas of Interest:
People and Cultures

Review of major changes in World Civilizations since 1500.

Graduation Requirements:
Goal Area 5 - History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences | Goal Area 8 - Global Perspective | Diverse Cultures - Purple
Areas of Interest:
People and Cultures

Review of major changes in World Civilization since 1500. Same content as HIST 171. Students may not take both HIST 171 and HIST 171W for credit.

Graduation Requirements:
Goal Area 5 - History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences | Goal Area 8 - Global Perspective | Diverse Cultures - Purple | Writing Intensive
Areas of Interest:
People and Cultures

A survey of European civilization from Egypt to the end of the Thirty Years War.

Graduation Requirements:
Goal Area 5 - History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences | Goal Area 10 - People and the Environment
Areas of Interest:
People and Cultures